Call for Entries: BAITASI 2016 International Design Competition

  • Title

    Call for Entries: BAITASI 2016 International Design Competition
  • Type

    Call for Submissions
  • Website

  • Organizers

    Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
  • Registration Deadline

    June 30, 2016 12:00 AM
  • Submission Deadline

    July 31, 2016 12:00 AM
  • Venue

    Beijing, China

1 Overview

This open international competition is to take place among three groups who have been solicited to draw up refurbishment plans of 12 courtyards. Finalists whose plans comply with the design guidelines and have construction feasibility will be authorized by the organizers to implement the project, and the plans will be made available for reference in the Baitasi district, the broader old-town districts of Beijing, and in old towns throughout China that need to be revitalized.

Main Organizer

Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.

Supporting Organizer

World Architecture Magazine


May 29, 2016: Press briefing held at the Baitasi Courtyard Renewal International Design Competition’s Venice Biennial parallel exhibition

June 1-30, 2016: First phase of registration, the participants make voluntary selection of courtyards

July 1-31, 2016: Second phase of registration,courtyard allocated automatically on the official website

July 31, 2016: Deadline for submission of conceptual proposals for the competition

August 15, 2016: Initial assessment of conceptual proposals ends; Judges return score sheets; statistical evaluation of results

August 15-30, 2016: Notification of shortlisted candidates

September 5, 2016: Shortlist published

September 20, 2016: Shortlisted candidates submit further detailed design

October 5, 2016: Final assessment; live Q&A with shortlisted candidates, awards giving

October 2016-2017: Winner exhibition; Eligible designs carry on for implementation


First place winners selected from each group will receive a cash prize of RMB 50,000 and an award certificate; their works will be published in World Architecture.

Implementation of works

Finalists whose works comply with the design guidelines and demonstrate construction feasibility will be authorized by the organizers to implement the project.

2 Competition Subject

Baitasi ReMade

"Reinventing Beijing Courtyards"


Baitasi is a key historical area in Beijing’s urban core; its history can be traced back to the Yuan dynasty. The area has well preserved the stylistic fabrics of the Hutong from that era. The Miaoying Baita is not only the symbol of the Yuan Dynasty’s capital, Dadu, but also an architectural landmark on the Second Ring Road of modern Beijing. The area has already become the most stylistically unique district of Beijing and is one of Beijing’s 33 Historical and Cultural Preservation Zones. It has deep historical significance and profound cultural connotations.

By renovating the traditional courtyard spaces, the Batasi project attempts to recreate the courtyards’ various possibilities of spatial and functional recombination—to revive thespaces, to make different functions coexist. Besides the basic residential function, vigorous cultural and creative functions are to be added to the courtyards. By exploring and introducing cultural catalysts, the purpose isalso to revitalize the Hutong culture of the area and revive the eastern residential ideal of Hutongs and courtyards. In seeking ancient architectural wisdom within tradition, it hopes to breathe new life into the space of Beijing’s old town and explore ways in which urban development can coexist with traditional urban areas.

This open international competition is to take place among three groups who have been solicited to draw up refurbishment plans of 12 courtyards. Finalists whose plans comply with the design guidelines and show construction feasibility will be authorized by the organizers to implement the project and it will be made available for reference in the Baitasi district, the broader old-town districts of Beijing, and in revitalizing old towns throughout China.

Design Requirements

Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.

Based on their knowledge of infrastructurerequirements, real-life needs, and the communal context of the Baitasineighborhood, one group will be selected from the three groups; of the fourcourtyards in this group, one will be selected for project implementation.

Competition proposals must abide by the design requirements; however, the competition encourages participants to conduct extensive research and propose creative, imaginative plans.

For more Design Requirement and Courtyard Details, please go to


(Click on the following images to enlarge)

Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.

 3 Project Submission


·  Please submit electronic versions of drawings and related documents online.

· Language: the official languages of the competition are English and Chinese; titles and key design descriptions must include both languages.

·  Documentation: participants must include a recognizable, scanned copy of identification when submitting work, registration forms, and authorization documents.

Conceptual proposal specifications and requirements:

(1) Specifications: Drawingsshould be 420mm×297mm in horizontal layout. Each proposal must be composed of 4 drawings. Documents for uploading should be JPG format (for website display, not exceeding 3MB per file), and PDF format (for documentation, not exceeding 20 MB).

(2) Content and form: Plans must contain an introduction in Chinese and English ,black-and-white line drawings of floor plans, elevations, cross-sections, isometric blueprints, and the required analysis diagrams; also to be included are the necessary architectural economic indices and cost estimates. Participants can choose to use images of views, renderings, wall-section details, node configuration details, or real models.

Finalist proposal specifications and requirements:

(1) Specifications: Blueprints should be 841mm×594mm in lateral layout. Each proposal must have 3 blueprints. Documents should be in PDF format and should not exceed 20 MB.

(2) Content and form: Along with a Chinese and English introduction, floor plans, elevation, cross-section, isometric blueprints, and required analysis diagrams; also to be included are necessary architectural economic indices and cost estimates. Participants can choose to use images of wall-section details, node configuration details, or real models.

(3) An introductory design video not exceeding 3 minutes should be presented. Files should use MP4 format and should not exceed 400 MB.

4 Competition Procedures


· The event uses the open registration method of an open competition. Participants can enter individually or as groups; each group cannot have more than 4 members and 2 mentors.

·  Each group must have a contact person.

· The registration fee is RMB 300 per group. In the absence of special circumstances, registration fees are non-refundable. Registration fee should be paid via bank transfers asper information provided on the official website. Third party payments including Alipay, WeChat are not accepted. Your bank account information filled in online will only be used for verification purpose of the bank transfer.

· Registration is divided into 2 phases, the date of registration is the time of transfer of successful payment:

June 1-30, 2016: First phase of registration, participants make voluntary selection of courtyards

July 1-31, 2016: Second phase of registration, automatic assignments of courtyards by the official website

· After the organizer confirms on the registration fee payment, a download link will be sent via E-mail.

· After the selection of courtyard, a ID number will be allocated. With the ID number, the participant should fill in the information confirmation letter, and original work declaration & copyright authorization letter.

· Participants should submit only electronic copies of their work; the deadline for submission is July 31, 2016. Competition organizers will not accept hard copy submissions of the plans.

· Under the coordination of competition organizers, jury will assess competitors’ proposals and determine prizewinners.

·  Competition organizers will announce the list of finalists no later than September 5, 2016.

·  Competition organizers will announce prizewinners at the final jury meeting.

· Questions about the competition can be submitted online, competition organizers will reply to the queries at the earliest possible.

5 Rules and Regulations


· Individuals or groups registering for this competition must abide by and respect the rules and regulations of the event; members of the organizing committee have the right of final interpretation of these regulations.

·  Names related to the designer must not appear in any electronic blueprint; inclusion of any text or graphic appearing in an academic institution or business, or which does not comply with rules, will result in disqualification.

·  Competition entries must not be multiple submissions; any work that has been submitted elsewhere, in other competitions, or uses others’ previously published work are not permissible for entry.

· Blueprints and images related to competition submissions cannot infringe on the copyrights of others; responsibility for any such resulting controversy shall be taken by the infringing competitor, who will be disqualified.

· Competitors retain the right of authorship of their competition works; however, competition organizers and sponsors have the right to exercise copyrights other than authorship rights over competition works.

 6 Jury

Confirmed Jury Members

Alexander Tzonis | Professor Emeritus, Delft University of Technology 

Joan Busquets | Spanish urban planner, architect,professor at Harvard Graduate School of Design, former Head of Urban Planning for the Barcelona City Council

ZHANG Yonghe | Founder and Principal Architect, FCJZ  

LYU Zhou | Professor of Architecture at Tsinghua University, Director of the National Heritage Center, Vice President of ICOMOS-CHINA

SHI Weiliang | Chief Planner of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning

WANG Yuxi | General Manager of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment and Development Co. Ltd.

ZHANG Li | Professor at Tsinghua University School of Architecture, Chief Architect at Atelier Teamminus, Editor-in-Chief of World Architecture

David Basulto | Editor-in-Chief of Archdaily, Architect

Official Website of BAITASI 2016 International Design Competition




Baitasi (the White Pagoda Temple) is a historical and cultural preservation zone covering about 37 hm2 located just across Beijing’s Financial Street in Xicheng district. To its north is the Xizhimen business district and to its west is the Fuchengmen commercial area and the Sanlihe administrative district. The Xidan and Xisi shopping areas border the temple to its east. Baitasi remains a peaceful cultural oasis for the public in the heart of new Beijing.


The “Baitasi Historical and Cultural Preservation Zone” can be traced back to the Yuan Dynasty and is preserved to this day through the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is the western starting point on the route to Chaofu, across the capital, and has a profound historical heritage with rich cultural connotations. The area is home to Beijing’s most ancient attractions, including the Miaoying Temple (the White Pagoda Temple) constructed during the Yuan dynasty; the Archive of Buddhist Texts; the Lu Xun Museum built around the former residence of the philosopher; and the flower,bird, fish, and insect market. In the area are also seen a few republican-era courtyards reflecting a mix of Chinese and Western architectural styles. While the Xicheng district reflects ancient and civic culture and the homes of China’s great thinkers, the Baitasi Historical and Cultural preservation zone carries with it substantial historical significance; yet, unfortunately, many of the area’s old low-rise homes are lacking in municipal infrastructure and faced with modern challenges.


About BAITASI ReMade


Baitasi is located in an old low-rise residential district of Beijing, one of the last remaining traditional residential areas in the capital. Currently, options are being explored to provide an alternative path for urban renovation and community revival.


With societal advancements, people have realized that standard large-scale demolition and construction of Beijing’s urban core is no longer viable. In its stead, small-scale, organic renovation models are attracting greater attention and use. The main objective of the Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Company’s “Baitasi ReMade” project is to establish a new model for local residents with the aid of public participation and model enterprises and government leadership. It hopes to establish a sustainable population, revitalize the physical spaces, upgrade to basic energy sources, and re-engineer the public environment, thus fostering a cultural revitalization of the region as a whole. While maintaining the unique character of Hutong neighborhoods and the residential functions of traditional courtyards, “Baitasi ReMade” will inject new elements of design as well as cultural and creative models to create a new cultural district comprehensively integrating tradition, innovation, and style.

With regard to the Baitasi Historical and Cultural Preservation Zone, the goals of “Baitasi ReMade” are to

· adjust the demographic structure of the area through population easing,

· improve the commercial environment of the area by attracting respected businesses,

· improve the basic infrastructure of the area, enhance the residential environment, and strengthen the sense of community,

· revitalize the Hutong culture of the area thereby regaining the area’s residential spirit.


Projected goals of“Baitasi ReMade” before 2020

· Restore and refurbish 200 courtyards

· Improve infrastructure of 28 Hutong lanes

· Establish 600 new motor vehicle parking spaces


International media coverage of “Baitasi ReMade”

· “Baitasi ReMade” successfully debuted at the 2015 Beijing Design Week under the theme “symbiotic connection,” with more than 40 exhibitions, activities, and talks, and 24 creative projects based on the Baitasi courtyards.

· In 2015, ZHANG Ke, the principal of standardarchitecture, HUA Li, the principal at Tao – Trace Architecture Office, and DONG Gong, the principalat Vector Architects exhibited their renovation project at the “Shanghai UrbanSpace Art Season.”

· In 2016, “Baitasi ReMade” was chosen to participate in the “Trans-Design, Shanghai Art & Design 2016,” jointly run by the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Xuhui district government.

· A residency program has been organized in collaboration with the Cultural Office of the Swiss Embassy.

· A pilot program has been finalized with the French Embassy’s Cultural Office for courtyard revitalization.

· The Beijing Design Week’s organizing committee intends to establish an office in the area.

· Tsinghua University, Peking University, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing Forestry University, the School of Architecture at Hong Kong University, the Netherlands Architecture Institute, and the AA School of Architecture Visiting School Beijing have all participated in the research on the Baitasi area.

Scan QR code to know about Baitasi ReMade

Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.

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Cite: 杨奡 - YANG Ao. "Call for Entries: BAITASI 2016 International Design Competition" 16 Jun 2016. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884
Courtesy of Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co. Ltd.


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